۱۰۰ تا از رایج ترین کلمات دارای اشتباهات املایی در انگلیسی که یادگیری آنها میتواند در آزمون دولینگو بسیار مفید باشد
در اینجا لیستی از اشتباهات رایج املایی در زبان انگلیسی موجود است. اشتباهاتی که تنها زبان آموزان انگلیسی با آن درگیر نیستند بلکه حتی اغلب سخنرانان بومی نیز در هجی کردن این کلمات مشکل دارند! آموزش زبان انگلیسی
ایران دولینگو مجموعه لغات پر اشتباه انگلیسی را برای شما مهیا کرده است که با خواندن و مطالعهی آنها میتوانید مهارتهای نوشتاری خود را در آزمون زبان انگلیسی دولینگو تقویت کنید و ارتقا دهید. . اگر مشکلی در فهم متن داشتید، از ترجمه کمک بگیرید. همچنین میتوانید نسخهی pdf متنها را دانلود کنید و پرینت بگیرید تا راحتتر بتوانید روی آنها کار کنید.
Correct | Spelling advice | misspelling |
accommodate | two cs, two ms | accomodate, |
achieve | i before e | acheive |
across | one c | accross |
aggressive | two gs | agressive, |
apparently | -ent not -ant | apparantly |
appearance | ends with -ance | appearence |
argument | no e after the u | arguement |
assassination | two double s’s | assasination |
basically | ends with -ally | basicly |
beginning | double n before the -ing | begining |
believe | i before e | beleive, belive |
bizarre | one z, double -r | bizzare |
business | begins with busi- | buisness |
calendar | -ar not -er | calender |
Caribbean | one r, two bs | Carribean |
cemetery | ends with -ery | cemetary |
chauffeur | ends with -eur | chauffer |
colleague | -ea- in the middle | collegue |
coming | one m | comming |
committee | double m, double t, double e | commitee |
completely | ends with -ely | completly |
conscious | -sc- in the middle | concious |
curiosity | -os- in the middle | curiousity |
definitely | -ite- not –ate- | definately |
dilemma | -mm- not -mn- | dilemna |
disappear | one s, two ps | dissapear |
disappoint | one s, two ps | dissapoint |
ecstasy | ends with –sy | ecstacy |
embarrass | two rs, two s’s | embarass |
environment | n before the m | enviroment |
existence | ends with -ence | existance |
Fahrenheit | begins with Fahr- | Farenheit |
familiar | ends with -iar | familar |
finally | two ls | finaly |
fluorescent | begins with fluor- | florescent |
foreign | e before i | foriegn |
foreseeable | begins with fore- | forseeable |
forty | begins with for- | fourty |
forward | begins with for- | foward |
friend | i before e | freind |
further | begins with fur- | futher |
gist | begins with g- | jist |
glamorous | -mor- in the middle | glamourous |
government | n before the m | goverment |
guard | begins with gua- | gaurd |
happened | ends with -ened | happend |
harass | one r, two s’s | harrass, |
honorary | -nor- in the middle | honourary |
humorous | -mor- in the middle | humourous |
idiosyncrasy | ends with -asy | idiosyncracy |
immediately | ends with -ely | immediatly |
incidentally | ends with -ally | incidently |
independent | ends with -ent | independant |
interrupt | two rs | interupt |
irresistible | ends with -ible | irresistable |
knowledge | remember the d | knowlege |
liaise, liaison | remember the second i: liais- | liase, liason |
lollipop | i in the middle | lollypop |
millennium | double l, double n | millenium, millenia |
Neanderthal | ends with -thal | Neandertal |
necessary | one c, two s’s | neccessary |
noticeable | remember the middle e | noticable |
occasion | two cs, one s | ocassion, |
occurred | two cs, two rs | occured, |
occurrence | two cs, two rs, -ence not -ance | occurance, |
pavilion | one l | pavillion |
persistent | ends with -ent | persistant |
pharaoh | ends with -aoh | pharoah |
piece | i before e | peice |
politician | ends with -cian | politican |
Portuguese | ends with –guese | Portugese |
possession | two s’s in the middle and two at the end | posession |
preferred | two rs | prefered, |
propaganda | begins with propa- | propoganda |
publicly | ends with –cly | publically |
really | two ls | realy |
receive | e before i | recieve |
referred | two rs | refered, |
religious | ends with -gious | religous |
remember | -mem- in the middle | rember, |
resistance | ends with -ance | resistence |
sense | ends with -se | sence |
separate | -par- in the middle | seperate |
siege | i before e | seige |
successful | two cs, two s’s | succesful |
supersede | ends with -sede | supercede |
surprise | begins with sur- | suprise |
tattoo | two ts, two os | tatoo |
tendency | ends with -ency | tendancy |
therefore | ends with -fore | therefor |
threshold | one h in the middle | threshhold |
tomorrow | one m, two rs | tommorow, |
tongue | begins with ton-, ends with -gue | tounge |
truly | no e | truely |
unforeseen | remember the e after the r | unforseen |
unfortunately | ends with -ely | unfortunatly |
until | one l at the end | untill |
weird | e before i | wierd |
wherever | one e in the middle | whereever |
which | begins with wh- |
wich |
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