Duolingo آزمونDescribe image نمونه سوالات بخش

Describe Image: Package 2
رایتینگ در آزمون Duolingoچند بخش دارد که یکی از آنها توصیف تصویر است( Describe
.)Imageدر این بخش از شما خواسته میشود در مدت زمان ۰۶ثانیه یک تصویر را در یک یا چند
جمله توصیف کنید.
در این فایل، ۵نمونه سوال از این بخش همراه با پاسخهای پیشنهادی دوستان ارائه شده است

Describe Image Package 2 3 300x113 - نمونه سوالات بخشDescribe image آزمون Duolingo

Sample 1:
Sample Answer:
In this image, we can see a student who was studying for his exams. After an hour,
he fell to a deep sleep and put his head on the book. Moreover, we can see a lot of
books on the desk which he should study.
In the picture, a boy is seen with a lot of books and after studying, he fell into a
deep sleep.
The picture shows a youth, sleeping on a book. On the left side, I can see many
books that place on top of each other. It seems that the youth enthusiastically
studied his books.

Duolingo آزمونDescribe image نمونه سوالات بخش

Describe Image Package 2 6 300x131 - نمونه سوالات بخشDescribe image آزمون Duolingo

Sample 2:
Sample Answer:
The image displays the life cycle of a hen. It also shows that it takes three weeks for
an egg to become a chick.
This picture illustrates an egg will being a chick in 3 weeks and after 3 months the
chick get mature and be an adult.
The picture shows the life cycle of a hen. Each period indicates that how much time
need to reach next step. For instance, it takes three weeks to born a chick.
Sample 3:
Sample Answer:
The image shows a festival in a big city at nights. Moreover, we can see the
reflection of light in the surface of a river makes a beautiful scene.

Duolingo آزمونDescribe image نمونه سوالات بخش

Describe Image Package 2 7 300x128 - نمونه سوالات بخشDescribe image آزمون Duolingo

This photo is related to a festival in Sydney which is important and entertaining
with some fire plays near a wide river. We can also see a big bridge in the picture.
The picture shows a ceremony with fireworks. In the foreground we can see a lake
that indicates the great reflection of lights.

Describe Image Package 2 10 300x133 - نمونه سوالات بخشDescribe image آزمون Duolingo

Sample 4:
Sample Answer:
This picture demonstrates an ancient city which has beautiful monuments.
Moreover, we can see the clouds in the sky as well as trees around a square in the
A mosque with a dome and some minaret in prospect of a city; contrasting spiritual
dimension of a modern life.
This picture shows a mosque located in center of a city, where mass of tourist can
do sightseeing or taking some pictures.

Duolingo آزمونDescribe image نمونه سوالات بخش

Describe Image Package 2 13 300x140 - نمونه سوالات بخشDescribe image آزمون Duolingo

Sample 5:
The image illustrates a big eagle which is brown and white and is flying near the
surface of a sea. Furthermore, we can see, mountains and green trees as well as
the blue sky.
In this picture, a huge eagle is shown which is trying to catch a fish. It has a long
beak and brown wings.
This photo shows a brown and white eagle, which is flying over a sea. In the
background of image there is a woods, and the beautiful sky. This photo is
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